Wednesday, December 22, 2010


"Have you figured out yet that I'm going as a cadaver, an anatomical gift?"

Personally, I don't feel like this helps the intent of the essay as well as it should. The intent of the essay is to keep the reader focused and wanting to read more; but I feel like he didn't leave enough open to make me want to read more. I felt like it was just another guy uselessly giving his point of recycling. I didn't really want to continue reading the article, and the only reason I did is so I didn't get publicly humiliated like Blog Boy. I feel like this writing strategy can be very effective, but I think Semrau terribly failed at making it work. Like I said, he didn't leave enough open, he just seemed like he was discussing his personal life and recycling, he didn't leave me any intense cliff hangers that would make me want to keep reading.

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