Sunday, February 6, 2011

No talking

Not talking for a day isn't as bad as I anticipated it to be. There were a few times I slipped up; like when I ran into some random kid in the hallway... I wasnt about to depict my apology or he'd think I'm a bigger freak than he already did for running right into him. And a few classes I was in had almost all AP language students in it, like Spanish 3 and getting things finished was complicated for us and for Mrs. Remy. Overall it wasn't too bad but not being able to speak does interrupt with the point someone is trying to get acrossed.

Postman's Interview

One situation that Postman parallels in this interview to his book "Amusing Ourselves to Death" is the fact that media is taking over. People believed that all the technology would not be able to transform into the new millenium without getting messed up somehow. All of this was believe simply because the media portrayed it as a bigger deal than necessary. People don't think things through on their own anymore, simply because they do not have to. The media "thinks through" situations for society and tells them what they ought to believe on that subject or circumstance. Our opinions are beginning to be controlled by the media and can't even recognize it.
A second point that Postman makes in his interview is that "humans will become the pets of their computers." He is continuing to make the point that he made in his book that humans are being controlled by technology and are losing touch with resources that could be much more beneficial even if they are not at fast, colorful, or exciting. We are losing contact with individuality and formulating our own opinions to listening to what we are being told and following it.